Oma’s Pages #17
Another problem we were dealing with was our car. It started up using regular gas and then after you drove it a short distance you had to stop the car and start it again to get it to switch to LP gas. If you did not do this the car would not go very fast.
Here is Holland the cars are very small, the roads are very narrow, and they travel very fast. So sometimes it was very scary when we were driving around and suddenly had to stop someplace like at a red light, turn off the car and turn it back on again. Especially when it was so cold, I wondered if we would stall in the intersection or on the freeway and not be able to get the car started again. Once or twice it took more than one try to get the car going, but then we were blessed to be on our way, safely.
I am sure all of the prayers you said for us are the reason we were so safe in such a scary driving situation.
Opa was getting used to driving in the Netherlands at this time. It is very different here than at home because all the signs and rules are not like they are at home. He has driven a car every time we have come here to visit, but I have never driven a car here in Holland until I came on this mission.
One day when the Senior couples: Beckstrands and the Andersons and the Pankratz came to help us, I had no choice but to drive the sisters someplace while the brothers were doing something else. I took a deep breath and said, “Okay, Heavenly Father, if this is what I have to do, will you send an angel to drive with me so I can drive with the right rules and that I will not get lost.”
He answered my prayer. He always answers my prayers. Only sometimes I don’t get the answer instantly. Sometimes I have to wait a long long time, even years before my prayer is answered. This time He answered it immediately. I was so grateful!
Have you ever had a prayer answered right after you prayed?