Saturday, October 15, 2011

Omas Pages #16, October 15, 2011

Oma’s Pages #16

To add to the problems we had with the apartment, it was for sale. The owners of the apartment had decorated it so it would show well to people who might want to buy it.
We were not allowed to change any of the pictures on the walls, or move any of the decorations. This made us feel like we were living in a hotel or somebody else’s house. It was very difficult to feel like we were where we were supposed to be.
The sales people would bring customers by without telling us. This made it so that we had to take our computers with us everywhere we went. And we could never leave laundry hanging out or any kind of mess. It was very difficult because we had so many things to do and places to go that keeping everything like a “show house” took every spare minute we had.
Another problem was that the floor was very dark so it showed every piece of lint, or dust, or dirt. I had to sweep and wash the floor sometimes twice a day.
The Senior couple the Anderson’s did bring us a bed and took the bunk beds away. This helped us a lot. But it made our very tiny bedroom even smaller because the bed took up so much room.
In order to get dressed at the same time, Opa would have to take something out of the closet and then step two steps to one side. Then I would take something out of the closet and steps two steps to the other side. It was like getting ready to go anyplace was a very strange way of dancing.